Hello and welcome to Style by Daisy Rose. I'd like to introduce myself and my goal for this blog. My name is not Daisy, but my brother-in-law has called me this for the past eight years. I'm starting to wonder if he knows my real name. My In-laws are British; I am from Oklahoma. Though I am not a cowgirl, my husband (boyfriend at the time) had a picture of me (when I was 17) goofing around sitting in my brother's truck, wearing my dad's cowboy hat. This picture was how I was introduced to his family and because the only information my brother-in-law knows of the mid-west came from hours watching the Dukes of Hazzard, I became infamously known as Daisy to the troop back in England. It has stuck and I find that I have embraced it.
Now, I am thirty-two years old, work full-time at a university where I work with students who have learning deficiencies, and have an amazing two year old son. I am a philosopher, always pondering the intricacies of life, both important and not so important. It drives my husband bonky because my mind never stops. Strange how within the last couple of years, this "Jeans and T-shirt Girl" has discovered a love of style and design. Quite a large portion of my wardrobe is pink, weird. I am still insecure in style, especially clothing, but I find that figuring it out excites me, when before it only caused anxiety. Trust me, I still have some anxiety over it, but I hope that continues to fade away.
Eventually, I would like to be able to create products people would like and start selling on Etsy. I have a long way to go because at the moment I really can only Mod Podge, but perhaps one day I will learn some sewing techniques. Style by Daisy Rose is my attempt to share some of the wonderful items I find and perhaps spread some of that passion and thought to those out there on the www. I would also love to get advice from anyone. I want to use this medium to explore everything from clothing, to hair and make-up (my biggest adversary), to accessories, to furniture, to interior design, to cars, to tattoos, to art, to photography, to music. (I told you I have a lot of interests).
I wish I could be on What Not to Wear, but while my style (and budget) could definitely use the coaching, I am not as much of a travesty as some of the people on the show, but I will be if that'll help me get on! I hope this site helps me further develop my sense of style and becomes a place to share and discuss all of the little things in life that can provide creativity, comfort, emotion, desire, inspiration, and sometimes anxiety.
Thank you for visiting. Please come back often and as always, feel free to email me and/or comment.
~ Daisy Rose